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The pixel panel is an interactive art piece. It is made of wooden tiles that dim or brighten, depending on how they are tilted. Each wooden tile represents a pixel on a display that is 32 columns wide and 16 rows in height.  This gives the illusion of a primitive grayscale screen. The tiles are tilted by a network of servo motors. These servos are controlled by the output signals of a programmable microcomputer. A web page allows the viewer to interact with custom software that animates the display.


I am an algorithmic artist.  This means that I write programs which output some form of visual art which can be displayed on a screen or printed in some manner. Screen use is tiring. The pixel panel is a new medium that allows me to display my algorithms in a whimsical way that is pleasing to the senses like a well-built piece of furniture.  


The pixel panel can beautify its wall either as a static display or as one that changes depending on the animation being run. Current Software allows the panel to animate patterns according to a variety of algorithmic art which can be paused at anytime to remain as a fixed piece for viewing pleasure.  

The panel also access the internet and will display real-time data such as the time, weather or stock market information. 

There is even a feature which allows for the presentation of personal sketches. The pixel panel can even interact as a mirror or scroll famous quotes.
